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City Chic Decor


My Trick to Finding an Apartment Without a Broker



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In today’s post, I want to discuss finding an apartment. Whether you’re looking in a rural area or metropolitan city, searching for an apartment is always stressful. The worst part of searching for a rented space is having to use a broker when there are so many availabilities online.

However, when you look for an apartment online, usually the address is fake and the contact for the space is a broker. Why you ask? Because the broker doesn’t want you to go there on your own because they want to make a profit off of the space.

Many times, the broker will take you to apartments where, even though they are no-fee, you still have to pay the broker for finding it for you.

Well, here is my go-to trick for NOT having to go through a broker when searching for an apartment. Are you ready for it??

It’s google image search.

Yep, that’s right. When you look online for an apartment and see a space you like, download the preview photos to your computer. Upload one to google image search and right there it will tell you what other sources the image is from. More times than not, it will directly link you to the apartment building that photo originally came from.

As an example, I found this image from apartments.com at address “152 W 34th Street.”

When I searched this image on google, the first link that popped up was a building called the Murray Hill Marquis. When I clicked on the link, it was made clear that these photos are from this building and that if I wanted this apartment, the Murray Hill Marquis and their rental office is where I should go to look.

This is how to find an apartment easily without using a broker! #rentalhomedecorating #rentaldecorating #rentalapartmentdecorating #rentalkitchenmakeover #rentalhomedecoratingdiy #rental apartment

And there you have it! DO you have any go-to tips for searching for an apartment? Let me know down below!

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  1. Anne Meyer says:

    Ooh. Great tip. I also like Google image search for finding furniture and decor items. For example, if you find a catalog-type photo on Pinterest for something you like and find it’s discontinued, you can do an image search to try to find it from other suppliers. It’s also good if you find something great that’s overpriced – you can find other sources for the same item a log of times, since the wholesaler or manufacturer provides the same photo to different retailers.

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I’m an interior decorator, author, and “heirloom hunter”, discovering and returning lost family artifacts along my search for home accents. I'm also a dog mom, and very well aware there are some people who just follow me for him.

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