I don’t know a SINGLE person who enjoys doing laundry. It’s that one chore we all dread but have to do at some point ???? It’s an especially annoying task when you don’t have the luxury of having a washer & dryer in-unit. Well, I’m here to share my secrets to creating a stress-free laundry day whether you have laundry in your building or use a laundromat.

Invest in an over-the-door drying rack:
Ever find yourself hanging your delicates all-around your tiny apartment to dry? Investing in an over-the-door drying rack will perform a double-duty by saving space and giving you a dedicated place to dry your delicates.
Turn your clothes right-side out before starting laundry:
This will save so much time after you’ve finished your laundry. As soon as you pull your clothes out of the dryer all you have to do is fold (or roll) your clothes and put them away.
Invest in a zippered silk pillowcase:
Ok, hear me out on this one: We all have those items of clothing that can’t be washed with other types of fabrics, such as cotton (Lululemon anyone?) Instead of spending the extra money on washing these items in a separate wash, just throw them into a silk pillowcase and wash them in your regular load.
Use a net laundry bag for your socks and underwear:
Does anyone else have a front-load washer? Anyone who does knows how frustrating it is to retrieve small items of clothing stuck in-between the door and the interior of the washer. A net bag will ensure that your items don’t get caught in that annoying crevice!
Use color catchers:
Save money on items damaged by dye transfer in the wash. Using color catchers will prevent this from happening.
Dry clothes on hangers:
Are you hang drying delicates that are eventually going to be hung in your closet? Save time by hang-drying those clothes on hangers. Once they are dry, all you have to do is hang them back in your closet.
Roll instead of fold:
Anyone who lives in a small apartment understands the hardship of not having enough drawer space! Rolling, instead of folding your clothes, can save up to half the space in your dresser.
Oh, and make sure to follow my Facebook page for giveaways and more design inspiration!
xo, Chelsey
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