Let’s be honest: We all love a touch of glam in our space.
My #1 trick to incorporating more glam into a home is adding mirrors. Because almost all of us keep a mirror over our dresser, the trick to “glamifying” the space is through using an oversized mirror. This will create the illusion of luxury, more light, and more space. Another tip? Make sure to lean the mirror instead of it being flush against the wall. This seems like a small detail but the leaning aspect will give your space SO much more character!
Adding a large mirror to your dresser is only one example of making a space look grander. If there’s an area in your home you want to “glamify,” you can :
1. Invest in a large leaning mirror
2. Add a leaning mirror on top of a console
3. Layer small mirrors (example here)
4. Hang a mirror over your bed
There are countless ways to take advantage of mirrors in your space!
One reason I chose gold was because I already had gold hardware on the dresser. The dresser actually didn’t come with those knobs: I switched them out because the original ones were hideous! Replacing the hardware on any piece of furniture is a great, budget-friendly way to create a significant transformation.
Want this mirror for yourself? Head to my shop section and grab yours today!

Are any of you going to try this trick in your home? Let me know down below!
Where did you get those knobs?
How far out from wall should the mirror be leaning when resting on the dresser/console (3 inches?)? The mirror I am thinking of buying is fairly large 66”x40”.
Hello. I love the look of this leaning mirror on the dresser. I have a 55lb
mirror that I would like to use in this manner. Is this mirror too heavy to use? Thank you.