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City Chic Decor


5 Tips for Making Your Space Look Bigger



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If you are living in a small New York flat like myself, you probably understand the struggle to find a place that bodes well in size, while also not breaking the bank. It can take years to find the perfect apartment, but if you are feeling a little discouraged, I’ll let you in on a little secret… 

Size doesn’t make an apartment perfect, how you utilize your space does.


Here are our five easy tips for making your small space feel bigger.

1. Utilize your ceiling space 

Many wouldn’t dare to add a feature statement as bold as this, but this ceiling gallery wall is definitely a project that I’ll be taking with me to my next home. It extends the eye upwards, making your ceilings look taller. We created a ceiling gallery wall by utilizing ultra heavy-duty velcro strips and frames that were made out of cardboard.

2. Add reflective surfaces  

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who makes my ceilings look extra tall? A large leaning floor mirror adds a perfect feature to your apartment. Not only will it give the illusion that your space is larger than it is, but a taller mirror will make your walls look luxurious! 

3. Utilizing curtains correctly

Did you know you can create the illusion of a larger space with curtains? Hanging your curtains 4-5 inches above where your windows start will not only make your windows look larger, but will give the illusion that your ceilings are taller than they are. Pooling your curtains on the floor will also trick the eye into thinking your walls are taller than they actually are. Plus, pooling your curtains looks so *chic*

4. Opt for lucite

Lucite or acrylic furniture will always make your space feel less cluttered and give the illusion that your space is larger than it is.

5. Incorporate neutral bases

I know we’ve mentioned this before, but this will always be our go-to tip for creating a larger space. Your bases are your large items of furniture such as the sofa, area rugs, and statement pieces. Keeping your bases neutral will allow you to add pops of color through your smaller accents like art and decor. Neutral furniture will always enlarge your space and make it feel more open.


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Hi, I'm Chelsey

I’m an interior decorator, author, and “heirloom hunter”, discovering and returning lost family artifacts along my search for home accents. I'm also a dog mom, and very well aware there are some people who just follow me for him.

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